About a year ago we decided that we needed to redo the 1969-1972 Mopar A & B-Body Twin Hood Scoops for the Chrysler crowd. Sure there were a few aftermarket reproduction scoops out there. But we found that you could either pay two arms and a leg for a correct set, or settle for the rest. It was at this time Josh’s Muscle Car Parts decide to invest in tooling to have the scoops made correctly and invest in tooling to make the zinc bezels to the original specifications. Our end result was a great set of reproduction hood scoops at a very competitive price. As with all products we decide to reproduce, we make sure they are accurate to the time and also priced right.

We offer our Coronet, Super Bee, Duster, Demon, Dart Twin hood scoops in a few different ways. You can get just the twin hood scoops and now hardware or bezels. You can order the 1969-1972 Mopar A & B-Body Twin Hood Scoops with both scoops and hardware or you can get the complete package, which includes both hood scoops, all hardware and the zinc bezels as shown in the above photo.

Our 1969-1972 Mopar A & B-Body Twin Hood Scoops also include the correct bolts to attach the hood scoops to the hood. Our bolts are the correct dual thread style. The top of the bolt threads into the hood scoop and the bottom of the bolt threads into the hood. You’ll see other, cheaper versions on the market that include a generic bolt. If you truly want the correct hardware with your new hood scoops then you’ll want to give Josh’s Muscle Car Parts 1969-1972 Mopar A & B-Body Twin Hood Scoops at long look.
We’ve got the A-Body Here | And B-Body Here